
Andrew Stromnov authored dc7c948d8d0
Add python24 variant, set default variant to python26

git-svn-id: d073be05-634f-4543-b044-5fe20cf6d1d6
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24 24 post-patch {
25 25 reinplace "s|,prefix=\'\$PYTHON_PREFIX\'||g" ${worksrcpath}/configure
26 26 reinplace "s|,prefix=\'\$PYTHON_EXEC_PREFIX\'||g" ${worksrcpath}/configure
27 27 }
28 28
29 29 variant ssl description {Enable SSL support} {
30 30 configure.args-append --with-openssl
31 31 depends_lib-append port:openssl
32 32 }
33 33
34 -if {![variant_isset python25] && ![variant_isset python26]} {
35 - default_variants +python25
34 +if { ![variant_isset python24] && ![variant_isset python25] && ![variant_isset python26]} {
35 + default_variants +python26
36 +}
37 +
38 +variant python24 description {Enable python support with python 2.4} {
39 + depends_lib-append port:python24
40 + configure.python ${prefix}/bin/python2.4
36 41 }
37 42
38 43 variant python25 description {Enable python support with python 2.5} {
39 44 depends_lib-append port:python25
40 45 configure.python ${prefix}/bin/python2.5
41 46 }
42 47
43 48 variant python26 description {Enable python support with python 2.6} {
44 49 depends_lib-append port:python26
45 50 configure.python ${prefix}/bin/python2.6
46 51 }

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