
Renee Otten authored e465d334d20
py-backports_abc: remove py34 subport, add size, default PyPI livecheck
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5 5
6 6 name py-backports_abc
7 7 version 0.5
8 8 revision 0
9 9 categories-append devel
10 10 platforms darwin
11 11 license PSF
12 12 supported_archs noarch
13 13
14 14 # do not add subports for python > 3.4
15 -python.versions 27 34
15 +python.versions 27
16 16
17 17 maintainers {stromnov @stromnov} openmaintainer
18 18
19 19 description A backport of recent additions to the '' module from Python 3.5.
20 20 long_description ${description}
21 21
22 22 homepage
23 23 master_sites pypi:[string index ${python.rootname} 0]/${python.rootname}
24 24
25 25 distname ${python.rootname}-${version}
26 26
27 27 checksums rmd160 00ed08fcf2537409669dc7fbb89c2fdac4993a46 \
28 - sha256 033be54514a03e255df75c5aee8f9e672f663f93abb723444caec8fe43437bde
28 + sha256 033be54514a03e255df75c5aee8f9e672f663f93abb723444caec8fe43437bde \
29 + size 9807
29 30
30 31 if {${name} ne ${subport}} {
31 32 livecheck.type none
32 -} else {
33 - livecheck.type pypi
34 33 }

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