
Marcus Calhoun-Lopez authored and MarcusCalhoun-Lopez committed ef0c2bd169c
seqan-apps: fail gracefully prior to macOS 10.12
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31 31
32 32 checksums rmd160 c843f8c749e6f2d8ff5233f160d9683743dce7c2 \
33 33 sha256 d7084d17729214003e84818e0280a16f223c8f1c6a30eeef040c27e0c0047bd7 \
34 34 size 109626901
35 35
36 36 compiler.cxx_standard 2014
37 37 compiler.openmp_version 3.0
38 38
39 39 configure.args-append -DSEQAN_BUILD_SYSTEM=SEQAN_RELEASE_APPS
40 40
41 +if {${os.platform} eq "darwin" && ${os.major} < 16} {
42 + known_fail yes
43 + pre-fetch {
44 + ui_error "${name} ${version} requires macOS 10.12 or greater."
45 + return -code error "Incompatible macOS version."
46 + }
47 +}
48 +
41 49 livecheck.url
42 50 livecheck.regex seqan-src-(\[0-9.\]+)${extract.suffix}

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