
Frank Schima authored f46ffce76bb
tempo: Add license

- Use modern checksums
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1 1 #-*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4
2 2
3 3 PortSystem 1.0
4 4
5 5 name tempo
6 6 version 1.1.4
7 7 revision 1
8 8 categories science
9 9 maintainers nomaintainer
10 10 platforms darwin
11 +license GPL-2
11 12
12 13 description TEMPO (Topographic Eeg Mapping PrOgram)
13 14 long_description TEMPO (Topographic Eeg Mapping PrOgram) is open source \
14 15 software for 3D visualization of brain electrical activity. \
15 16 TEMPO accepts EEG file in standard EDF format and creates \
16 17 animated sequence of topographic maps. Topographic maps are \
17 18 generated over 3D head model and user is able to navigate \
18 19 around head and examine maps from different viewpoints. \
19 20
20 21 homepage
21 22 master_sites sourceforge
22 23
23 -checksums md5 56778b4b5b8c3df809bd6c7b0022a518
24 +checksums md5 56778b4b5b8c3df809bd6c7b0022a518 \
25 + rmd160 5f2191235195f9867c4e34793d781cc63a3f1245 \
26 + sha256 33beabff1ef5923f6505f64cabec6656441cddb1ee67074f422ffb66bfedcf25 \
27 + size 1132826
24 28
25 29 depends_build port:pkgconfig
26 30 depends_lib lib:libgtkglext-x11-1.0:gtkglext \
27 31 lib:libgnome-2:libgnome \
28 32 bin:scrollkeeper-config:rarian
29 33
30 34 patchfiles patch-tempo.c.diff
31 35
32 36 configure.cflags-append \
33 37 -L${prefix}/lib

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