
Christopher Chavez authored and David B. Evans committed fdd787203f8
p5-inc-latest: remove old conflict handler

Was added in 76c61f152f over 4 years ago.
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9 9 maintainers nomaintainer
10 10 description inc::latest - use modules bundled in inc/ if they are newer than installed ones
11 11 long_description ${description}
12 12
13 13 platforms darwin
14 14
15 15 checksums rmd160 4f2fd5553853d987674e79069726370f465bb9a2 \
16 16 sha256 daa905f363c6a748deb7c408473870563fcac79b9e3e95b26e130a4a8dc3c611
17 17
18 18 if {${perl5.major} != ""} {
19 -
20 - # p5-inc-latest was previously part of p5-module-build now separate
21 - # deactivate old conflicting p5-module-build before activation
22 -
23 - pre-activate {
24 - set pname p${perl5.major}-module-build
25 - if {![catch {set installed [lindex [registry_active $pname] 0]}]} {
26 - set _version [lindex $installed 1]
27 - if {[vercmp $_version 0.421.1] < 0} {
28 - registry_deactivate_composite $pname "" [list ports_nodepcheck 1]
29 - }
30 - }
31 - }
32 -
33 19 supported_archs noarch
34 20 }

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