AuthorCommitMessageCommit date
Renee OttenRenee Otten
0b258760f63py-magic: remove py34 subport, add sizepy-magic: remove py34 subport, add size
Renee OttenRenee Otten
a403a49806fpy-macfsevents: remove py34 subport, add size
Renee OttenRenee Otten
f3e6220008apy-logilab-common: remove py34 subport
Renee OttenRenee Otten
8330cb39a95py-cytoolz: remove py34 subport
Renee OttenRenee Otten
a193fe828f0py-billiard: remove py34 subport
Renee OttenRenee Otten
898883f10cdpy-amqp: remove py34 subport
Renee OttenRenee Otten
720e3880b00py-logbook: remove py34 subport
Renee OttenRenee Otten
0d449ddfac6py-llvmpy: remove py34 subport, add size
Renee OttenRenee Otten
e6549172410py-llvmmath: remove py34 subport, add size
Renee OttenRenee Otten
714316597f8py-llvmlite: remove py34 subport
Renee OttenRenee Otten
0d8bc33c413py-levenshtein: remove py34 subport, add size
Renee OttenRenee Otten
caa4b3c9f8bpy-lepl: remove py34 subport- add size to checksums - use python.rootname, default PyPI livecheck
Renee OttenRenee Otten
f42ddec341dpy-kombu: remove py34 subport
Renee OttenRenee Otten
6af93b4de36py-jupyterlab_launcher: remove py34 subport
Renee OttenRenee Otten
b76bd2b53d1py-jupyter_console: remove py34 subport
Renee OttenRenee Otten
f4d02a5ee5bpy-jupyter: remove py34 subport, add size
Renee OttenRenee Otten
db0a7e684eepy-jug: remove py34 subport
Renee OttenRenee Otten
c5111b04078py-joblib: remove py34 subport
Renee OttenRenee Otten
c47f8d87870py-iso8601: remove py34, add py38 subport- add size to checksums - enable tests
Renee OttenRenee Otten
11ef32f3b54py-ipyparallel: remove py34 subport
Renee OttenRenee Otten
0c0f24cc541py-ipaddress: remove py34, add py3[78] subports- enable tests
Renee OttenRenee Otten
08365a1fb1bpy-hiredis: remove py34, add py38 subport- enable tests
Renee OttenRenee Otten
52d382783aepy-hat-trie: remove py34 subport- use default PyPI livecheck - add size to checksums
Renee OttenRenee Otten
8d21cb13f02py-gevent: remove py34 subport
Renee OttenRenee Otten
1ad42c40225py-gevent-websocket: remove py34 subport, add size
Renee OttenRenee Otten
e4aa3a42588py-geohash: remove py34 subport- set version for Apache license - use python.rootname and default PyPI livecheck
Renee OttenRenee Otten
083a12db4depy-genshi: remove py34 subport, add size
Renee OttenRenee Otten
9eac47c293apy-funcsigs: remove py34 subport
Renee OttenRenee Otten
5fcff822dd2py-editor: remove py34 subport
Renee OttenRenee Otten
de535625176py-ecdsa: remove py34 subport
Renee OttenRenee Otten
ae05fed6e11py-dynd: remove py34 subport, add size
Renee OttenRenee Otten
1efa8a9827bpy-distributed: remove py34 subport, use https
Renee OttenRenee Otten
d37d64d7c37py-descartes: remove py34 subport- remove unused select PG
Renee OttenRenee Otten
14a34348b73py-datrie: remove py34, add py38 subport- update license - fix dependencies - enable tests - Cythonize the C code for Python 3.8
Renee OttenRenee Otten
fc1ca85cfb9py-cubes: remove py34 subport- default livecheck - add size to checksums
Renee OttenRenee Otten
fef390fe748py-contextlib2: remove py34 subport
Renee OttenRenee Otten
994e7aecaccpy-colander: remove py34 subport
Renee OttenRenee Otten
434eb9f56b3py-celery: remove py34 subport
Renee OttenRenee Otten
41df71c1f5epy-blosc: remove py34, add py38 subport- enable tests - update homepage
Renee OttenRenee Otten
6560e1a8b0apy-blist: remove py34 subport- use default PyPI livecheck - add size to checksums
Renee OttenRenee Otten
3685c91560bpy-backports: remove py34 subport
Renee OttenRenee Otten
61e7bc44f6apy-backports-ssl_match_hostname: remove py34 subport
Renee OttenRenee Otten
16ac8be00b1py-actdiag: remove py34 subport- add size to checksums - use default PyPI livecheck
Renee OttenRenee Otten
7bdf39f2d2dpy-acora: remove py34 subport
Renee OttenRenee Otten
01b78deea74py-DAWG: remove py34 subport- add size - use default PyPI livecheck
Kurt HindenburgKurt Hindenburg
02f7cbb8097fcron: add legacy support to attempt to fix buildsfixes
David B. EvansDavid B. Evans
f1ad2dc6d31adwaita-icon-theme: update to version 3.34.3
Mojca MiklavecRenee OttenMojca Miklavec
649cbc90cfapy-spacepy: update to 0.2.1, switch to githubAlso update gfortran and add replace python 3.4 subport with 3.7 and 3.8.
Renee OttenRenee Otten
559c52c9a2bpy-pypeg2: remove py34, add py3[78] subports- use python.rootname - enable tests
Renee OttenRenee Otten
826a6bde96dpy-paho-mqtt: update to 1.5.0- remove py34 subport - make use of python.rootname, default PyPI livecheck - use https for homepage

Everything looks good. We'll let you know here if there's anything you should know about.

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