AuthorCommitMessageCommit date
Eric A. BorischEric A. Borisch
697ec902549zabbix4*: updates 4.0.14 4.2.8 4.4.1zabbix4*: updates 4.0.14 4.2.8 4.4.1
Michael DickensMichael Dickens
bfd9a1776f0mariadb-10.2: add non-default-variant connect_with_libxml2This is the only part of MariaDB 10.2 that requires libxml2, which in turn will require C++11. So the MariaDB core will now be buildable without C++11 or libxml2. Closes: Closes:
Michael DickensMichael Dickens
32c03448aa4mariadb-10.2: update to 10.2.28
Perry E. MetzgerPerry E. Metzger
ea5ea4a2982ghostscript: fix stray backslash
Dongdong TianPerry E. MetzgerDongdong Tian
6397122d88aghostscript 9.50: revision bump dependents
Dongdong TianPerry E. MetzgerDongdong Tian
71d72be64ecghostscript: update to 9.50
Steven Thomas SmithPerry E. MetzgerSteven Thomas Smith
c31d4bd6d4aapache-solr8: Update to version 8.3
Perry E. MetzgerPerry E. Metzger
70be950aff7libetpan: update to 19.4
Dan Villiom Podlaski ChristiansenDan Villiom Podlaski Christiansen
1e3e5f4d0e5py-freezegun, py-sphinx_rtd_theme, py-sympy: add Python 3.8 subportsI had these lying around from an earlier attempt, and didn't notice that the ports themselves where missing. Fixes:
Lothar HaegerPerry E. MetzgerLothar Haeger
4c56a26f72cdbeaver-community: update to 6.2.4
Michael DickensMichael Dickens
59a0a87cd9amariadb: update to 5.5.66
Chris JonesChris Jones
1a56b430b90alex: update to 3.2.5
Chris JonesChris Jones
b481569f150git: update to 2.24.0
Chris JonesChris Jones
d99953d74a1py-torchvision: Add py38 support, update to 0.4.1
Chris JonesChris Jones
c0e00e57672py-torchtext: Add py38 support
Chris JonesChris Jones
7e49574fa20py-spaCy: Add py38 support
Chris JonesChris Jones
d9abf7f720apy-spaCy-models: Add py38 support
Chris JonesChris Jones
f1f7f8c17d7py-pytorch: Add py38 support
Chris JonesChris Jones
8fc83e58067py-pybind11: Add py38 support
Chris JonesChris Jones
619bc2a8f66py-nltk: Add py38 support
Chris JonesChris Jones
84040b08194py-mkl: Add py38 support
Chris JonesChris Jones
18b21682632py-gmpy: Add py38 support
Chris JonesChris Jones
34a0f45ca32py-wasabi: update to 0.4.0
Marcus Calhoun-LopezChris JonesMarcus Calhoun-Lopez
7a2ff3d6da4multiple ports: create PG to handle Xcode 11 bugSee
Sebastien BardeauChris JonesSebastien Bardeau
d6592264d78Gildas: update to 201911a
Steven Thomas SmithChris JonesSteven Thomas Smith
003f5fdf96fhyperscan: Update to version 5.2.1
Steven Thomas SmithChris JonesSteven Thomas Smith
cf571e11570rspamd: Update to version 2.1Resolves: Note: There is no reason to change the name of this port to rspamd2 because configuration is compatible with version 1.
Paulo MouraChris JonesPaulo Moura
20fc9715136logtalk: Update to 3.32.0
Steven Thomas SmithChris JonesSteven Thomas Smith
491c9a3f90adcc: Update to version 2.3.167
Herby GillotChris JonesHerby Gillot
c14c35ba03blazygit: update to 0.9
Zero KingZero King
e4ef5f513beweechat: update to 2.6* remove outdated Python 3.x variant notes
Nicolas PavillonNicolas Pavillon
97af39d284bkdepimblibs4: fix build with newer libical (solves
Andrey StromnovAndrey Stromnov
f096b0c2da4py-pandas: update to 0.25.3
Andrey StromnovAndrey Stromnov
9e610f54280py-bottleneck: add py38 subport
Andrey StromnovAndrey Stromnov
704cf4e37d1py-decorator: update to 4.4.1
Andrey StromnovAndrey Stromnov
c2328dae325py-cffi: update to 1.13.2
Andrey StromnovAndrey Stromnov
3aa8860bcefpy-alembic: update to 1.3.0
Andrey StromnovAndrey Stromnov
6a2706c1e80py-editor: add py38 subport
Andrey StromnovAndrey Stromnov
18417dbadd8py-mako: add py38 subport
Andrey StromnovAndrey Stromnov
d4a93018217py-beaker: add py38 subport
Andrey StromnovAndrey Stromnov
b29e11e0434py-sqlalchemy: add py38 subport
Andrey StromnovAndrey Stromnov
839c9b5edf5py-aenum: update to 2.2.2
Andrey StromnovAndrey Stromnov
b88c3288f11py-cytoolz: update to 0.10.1
Andrey StromnovAndrey Stromnov
048c5df1281py-jupyterlab: update to 1.2.1
Marius SchamschulaMarius Schamschula
b4ff4888acbretail: update to 1.0.2
Joshua RootJoshua Root
d38df7ed0a7libxml2-bootstrap: fix icu header pathsHandle different prefixes for icu and libiconv. Closes:
Aaron Madlon-KayAaron Madlon-Kay
7bafdb243c6jython: use GitHub mirror tarball for source build
Joshua RootJoshua Root
e488e3cfa53qt5*: use known_fail
Ryan SchmidtRyan Schmidt
0749c69b1f2libxl: Update to
i0ntempestRyan Schmidti0ntempest
8d9a9ade284mkvtoolnix: Update to 38.0.0Closes: Closes:

Everything looks good. We'll let you know here if there's anything you should know about.

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