AuthorCommitMessageCommit date
Raphael StraubRaphael Straub
7c38d59e460gvemod-cplxview: Update to 0.3 See Update to 0.3See
Raphael StraubRaphael Straub
41ac5b6e3damaniview: Fix master_sites and livecheck
Marcus Calhoun-LopezMarcus Calhoun-Lopez
284648689acopencolorio: fix build with latest yaml-cppNo revbump since the port builds correctly or not at all.
Marcus Calhoun-LopezMarcus Calhoun-Lopez
058f088fd56opencolorio: fix typo
Enrico M. CrisostomoEnrico Maria CrisostomoEnrico M. Crisostomo
ff73327b693fswatch: update to 1.13.0
Raphael StraubRaphael Straub
764430ef55amaniview: Update to 2.0.4Fixes
Enrico M. CrisostomoEnrico Maria CrisostomoEnrico M. Crisostomo
d304233b92cspring-boot-cli: update to 2.0.6
Enrico M. CrisostomoEnrico Maria CrisostomoEnrico M. Crisostomo
7f28e5bd8d8flyway: update to 5.2.1
Enrico M. CrisostomoEnrico Maria CrisostomoEnrico M. Crisostomo
56015a3cac8terraform: update to 0.11.10
Enrico M. CrisostomoEnrico Maria CrisostomoEnrico M. Crisostomo
01da6b373bbecs-cli: update to 1.9.0
Aaron Madlon-KayAaron Madlon-Kay
94e4730f429emacs-mac-app: update to 7.3
Marius SchamschulaMarius Schamschula
e5bd2acf5a0matio: update to 1.5.13
Marcus Calhoun-LopezMarcusCalhoun-LopezMarcus Calhoun-Lopez
5ad15907cbbdub: update dub 1.3.0->1.11.0muniversal PG no longer requires Makefile.
Marcus Calhoun-LopezMarcus Calhoun-Lopez
43294b7c6d3OpenSceneGraph: update version 3.6.2->3.6.3
Marcus Calhoun-LopezMarcus Calhoun-Lopez
98a6d96874aOpenSceneGraph: respect MacPorts compiler flagsFixes
Marcus Calhoun-LopezMarcus Calhoun-Lopez
afae4ab7304OpenSceneGraph: prevent looking for OpenCascadeOpenSceneGraph opportunistically linked with OpenCascade.
Ryan SchmidtRyan Schmidt
b543c81e154jython: Fix license
Joshua RootJoshua Root
7439eda8679cadaver: revert to real homepageFixes:
Marcus Calhoun-LopezMarcus Calhoun-Lopez
cefe474c2e4oski: fix typo in maintainers
Marcus Calhoun-LopezMarcus Calhoun-Lopez
ecc8cac1d83oski: new portFixes
Marius SchamschulaMarius Schamschula
6540b986b3dapache2: update to 2.4.37
Giovanni BussiPerry E. MetzgerGiovanni Bussi
1d1b3befedcplumed-devel: update to 2.5-20181005
Jeremy LavergneJeremy Lavergne
81ab6a37369spread-sheet-widget: update to 0.3
Jeremy LavergneJeremy Lavergne
93676913769pspp-devel: update to g77ccca
Jeremy LavergneJeremy Lavergne
e4ff7036c98dnsmasq: update to 2.80
Mark MollMark Moll
99aef7963dbpy-geopy: update to version 1.17.0
Mark MollMark Moll
461d582a8c1devel/glm: update to version
Mark MollMark Moll
6e182e9afe6math/arpack: update to version 3.6.3
David B. EvansDavid B. Evans
eaaf426421bgucharmap: update to version 11.0.3
David B. EvansDavid B. Evans
30b05ba8a07appstream-glib: update to version 0.7.14
Marcus Calhoun-LopezMarcusCalhoun-LopezMarcus Calhoun-Lopez
8285acd9d6evigra: add GitHub handleMaintainer approved the change in an email.
Marcus Calhoun-LopezMarcusCalhoun-LopezMarcus Calhoun-Lopez
29d7b5f02e6vigra: add Python 3.7 variant
Chris JonesChris Jones
f71e97a09b9xrootd: Convert to github PortGroup and use workaround for building 4.8.5 on pre-macOS10.12 systems.
Zero KingAljaž SrebrničZero King
8db3cdb1c38radare2: update to 3.0.1
Ryan SchmidtRyan Schmidt
c3ca469d185php-timezonedb: Update to 2018.6
Ryan SchmidtRyan Schmidt
597a39530b5ccache: Update to 3.5
Ryan SchmidtRyan Schmidt
e72cbc2b73ccufflinks: Update to 2.2.1Closes:
Ryan SchmidtRyan Schmidt
4edc5464a90Add GitHub handle tobypeterson to maintainersSee:
Ryan SchmidtRyan Schmidt
e39b290e9e7angband: Update to 4.1.3Closes: Patch Makefile.osx to allow architecture selection, to disable silent rules, and to not override the MacPorts deployment target. No longer require the universal variant to use the aqua variant. Instead build for the architectures MacPorts requested. Don't spend time running autoreconf when using the aqua variant since it doesn't have a configure...
df88171ce75py-humanfriendly: Update to 4.17
Marcus Calhoun-LopezMarcus Calhoun-Lopez
2811a795a72hugin-app: update version 2017.0.0->2018.0.0
Marcus Calhoun-LopezMarcus Calhoun-Lopez
eaa647aa572hugin-app: use linear_algebra PG
Marcus Calhoun-LopezMarcus Calhoun-Lopez
ff353e194cehugin-app: add variant for Python 3.7
Marcus Calhoun-LopezMarcus Calhoun-Lopez
7d1a796f8bfhugin-app: assume maintainership (w/ openmaintainer)
Marcus Calhoun-LopezMarcus Calhoun-Lopez
a0f57d8e19blinear_algebra PG: add support for CMake builds
Marcus Calhoun-LopezMarcus Calhoun-Lopez
fc6a75f4598linear_algebra PG: use eq instead of ==
Marcus Calhoun-LopezMarcus Calhoun-Lopez
fe2cbf09661linear_algebra PG: avoid double negative variables
Marcus Calhoun-LopezMarcus Calhoun-Lopez
75ff9faf667linear_algebra PG: use yes/no for boolean
Marcus Calhoun-LopezMarcus Calhoun-Lopez
135a599bbdalinear_algebra PG: change variables into options
Ryan SchmidtRyan Schmidt
b7500220a48chemkit: Use qt4 portgroupFixes build failure following the reorganization of Qt ports that took place a few years ago.

Everything looks good. We'll let you know here if there's anything you should know about.

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