AuthorCommitMessageCommit date
Renee OttenRenee Otten
b4ecaa5857apy-apsw: update to 3.29.0-r1, remove PY34/add PY38py-apsw: update to 3.29.0-r1, remove PY34/add PY38
Renee OttenRenee Otten
2f3f924b3b4py-appdirs: remove PY34, add PY38 subports
Renee OttenRenee Otten
67276c111abpy-anyjson: reorganize, remove PY34 subport- add noarch - enable tests - install files in post-destroot - use default PyPI livecheck
Renee OttenRenee Otten
da142ad3e09py-aniso8601: update to 8.0.0, remove PY34
Leo SingerLeo Singer
adaf763e8d1lal*: drop ports for unsupported Python versions (3.5)Closes:
Chris JonesChris Jones
8148ab78c51wrk: Blacklist Xcode 11 clang due to 'stack-check' issuesCloses:
Andrey StromnovAndrey Stromnov
9b13c02af18py-notebook: add py38 subport
Andrey StromnovAndrey Stromnov
2f5bfa2f086py-prometheus_client: add py38 subport
Andrey StromnovAndrey Stromnov
a4bb0e0b429py-terminado: add py38 subport
Andrey StromnovAndrey Stromnov
0d95d4f0746py-send2trash: add py38 subport
Andrey StromnovAndrey Stromnov
6bb75abf461py-ipykernel: add py38 subport
Chris JonesChris Jones
2dfbfccc2e8guile: Blacklist Xcode 11 clang due to 'check-stack' issuesCloses:
Andrey StromnovAndrey Stromnov
9cc1343b914py-scikit-learn: add py38 subport
Andrey StromnovAndrey Stromnov
150b64dae62py-joblib: add py38 subport
Renee OttenRenee Otten
cf7dfcf70a0py-prompt_toolkit: update PY27/PY34 version to 1.0.18- update homepage
Andrey StromnovAndrey Stromnov
ed14d2140eapy-nbconvert: update to 5.6.0
Andrey StromnovAndrey Stromnov
beece4b9c4dpy-defusedxml: add py38 subport
Andrey StromnovAndrey Stromnov
e3ddedbde18py-testpath: add py38 subport
Andrey StromnovAndrey Stromnov
ecf748edd8epy-pandocfilters: add py38 subport
Andrey StromnovAndrey Stromnov
97753f7d7dcpy-bleach: add py38 subport
Andrey StromnovAndrey Stromnov
3857066c6cfpy-webencodings: add py38 subport
Andrey StromnovAndrey Stromnov
aaf1e577a4apy-entrypoints: add py38 subport
Andrey StromnovAndrey Stromnov
caa49cb75abpy-nbformat: add py38 subport
Andrey StromnovAndrey Stromnov
88ff7bb9fcfpy-jsonschema: update to 3.1.1
Andrey StromnovAndrey Stromnov
bf4ae6a19f3py-pyrsistent: add py38 subport
Andrey StromnovAndrey Stromnov
29b025ebcf3py-vcversioner: add py38 subport
Andrey StromnovAndrey Stromnov
05b184090f7py-jupyter_client: add py38 subport
Andrey StromnovAndrey Stromnov
ba89270e4fcpy-dateutil: add py38 subport
Andrey StromnovAndrey Stromnov
ad4f96da45cpy-jupyter_core: add py38 subport
Andrey StromnovAndrey Stromnov
ea7dd62d821py-zmq: add py38 subport
Andrey StromnovAndrey Stromnov
214ae4d707apy-jinja2: add py38 subport
Andrey StromnovAndrey Stromnov
b1f13de869bpy-markupsafe: add py38 subport
Joshua RootJoshua Root
b278014af7anMOLDYN: update homepage
Andrey StromnovAndrey Stromnov
d50cb9ac902py-distributed: update to 2.6.0
Andrey StromnovAndrey Stromnov
21ce094548fpy-sortedcontainers: add py38 subport
Andrey StromnovAndrey Stromnov
6b266f17d51py-yaml: update to 5.1.2
Andrey StromnovAndrey Stromnov
8c3fa7e7231py-yaml: reformat
Andrey StromnovAndrey Stromnov
8b71f43bdfapy-yaml: add maintainer
Andrey StromnovAndrey Stromnov
ad7a7c6da8cpy-cloudpickle: add py38 subport
Christoph IserlohnChristoph Iserlohn
a34e5f22de8go: update to version 1.13.3
Andrey StromnovAndrey Stromnov
71c62468643py-ipython: add py38 subport
Andrey StromnovAndrey Stromnov
ff64f4fdce7py-traitlets: add py38 subport
Andrey StromnovAndrey Stromnov
9a0f9e5c665py-ipython_genutils: add py38 subport
Andrey StromnovAndrey Stromnov
2c5d8074dbdpy-prompt_toolkit: update to 2.0.10
Marius SchamschulaMarius Schamschula
383ccce9f77py-configobj: add py38 subport
Marius SchamschulaMarius Schamschula
b5d9e12876fpy-pyrfc3339: add py38 subport
Marius SchamschulaMarius Schamschula
428538ea905py-tz: add py38 subport
Marius SchamschulaMarius Schamschula
1120b214245TeXShop4: update to 4.43
Andrey StromnovAndrey Stromnov
b4eebff8bb7py-pygments: add py38 subport
Andrey StromnovAndrey Stromnov
5f2b52c3951py-pickleshare: add py38 subport

Everything looks good. We'll let you know here if there's anything you should know about.

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