1. casa
  2. casa5


AuthorCommitMessageCommit dateIssues
David MehringerDavid Mehringer
642f791962aCAS-10009 add support for statwt2::combine parameterCAS-10009 add support for statwt2::combine parameter5.1.0-4-feature-CAS-10009-1CAS-10009
David MehringerDavid Mehringer
e0e90bb046aenable various selection parameters in statwt2 task5.1.0-4-feature-CAS-10003-1
David MehringerDavid Mehringer
838121a8312MMerge branch 'feature/CAS-10002' into feature/CAS-100032 Jira issues
Ville SuorantaVille Suoranta
2446dfabd9eMMerge pull request #65 in CASA/casa from bugfix/CAS-10163 to master* commit 'e366d48e9b8e0369eeb181b87ef4a11e93319dcd': Fix CAS-10163 - close miriad uv file handle Avoids failure after repeated runsCAS-10163
Ville SuorantaVille Suoranta
398a59050c5MMerge pull request #63 in CASA/casa from feature/CAS-9872 to master* commit '1481e50dbb553f83a2e0888baf3ae3782720a887': Add unit test for importatcaCAS-9872
Ville SuorantaVille Suoranta
c7caea11765MMerge pull request #62 in CASA/casa from feature/CAS-9880 to master* commit '9cc082e779bf647ed3d107f77d8861dd020f9a2a': Add unit test for importmiriadCAS-9880
Ville SuorantaVille Suoranta
6fc2828caebMMerge pull request #61 in CASA/casa from bugfix/CAS-5339 to master* commit '2784b210b26b8d0aa7d553e03daa79103648bf53': removed documentation referring to obsolete method5.1.0-mas-4CAS-5339
Ville SuorantaVille Suoranta
c6b4b66bc8dMMerge pull request #59 in CASA/casa from hotfix/CAS-9752 to master* commit '772d285ed9a048b671179d1b9ade496bb380b306': Update extractCASAscript to check and bypass verification on OSX. Fix Firstlooks to look for extract script in mac directory structureCAS-9752
Akeem WellsAkeem Wells
772d285ed9aUpdate extractCASAscript to check and bypass verification on OSX.Fix Firstlooks to look for extract script in mac directory structure
Ville SuorantaVille Suoranta
1b7e8494cc0MMerge pull request #58 in CASA/casa from feature/CAS-10151 to master* commit '20b7373cd1708e901f8803cf6761743bd50f564f': disable caching of main MS table column data in MSMetaDataCAS-10151
Mark WieringaMark Wieringa
e366d48e9b8Fix CAS-10163 - close miriad uv file handleAvoids failure after repeated runsCAS-10163
Mark WieringaMark Wieringa
1481e50dbb5Add unit test for importatca5.1.0-3-feature-CAS-9872-1
Mark WieringaMark Wieringa
9cc082e779bAdd unit test for importmiriad5.1.0-2-feature-CAS-9880-1
Ville SuorantaVille Suoranta
76131383a18MMerge pull request #57 in CASA/casa from release/5.0.0 to master* commit 'e845ec8f04b4206c0f2f1393dd6b4b31bb30428d': Modified parameter description and examples as requested Fixed formatting
Ville SuorantaVille Suoranta
e845ec8f04bMMerge pull request #56 in CASA/casa from temp-CAS-9408 to release/5.0.0* commit '450cb521a07357e25318fd53185281b5facad531': Modified parameter description and examples as requested5.0.0-rel-202CAS-9408
David MehringerVille SuorantaDavid Mehringer
450cb521a07Modified parameter description and examples as requested
David MehringerDavid Mehringer
9f73eeba947remove debugging statements; branch package build succeeded5.1.0-2-feature-CAS-10002-3
David MehringerDavid Mehringer
20b7373cd17disable caching of main MS table column data in MSMetaData5.1.0-2-feature-CAS-10151-1
David MehringerDavid Mehringer
b21b0a16ab7add debugging info5.1.0-2-feature-CAS-10002-2
Ville SuorantaVille Suoranta
01cb935f0c2MMerge pull request #53 in CASA/casa from feature/CAS-9752 to master* commit '27954885f2e343529671ebc5bbdfaa8254ccb8e1': Add script extractor and casaguides (ALMA First Look) to test suites5.1.0-mas-3CAS-9752
Ville SuorantaVille Suoranta
06b10dccf6fMMerge pull request #54 in CASA/casa from hotfix/CAS-9883 to master* commit 'a2324477c435122a17df9ac876d66768edfb1b51': Add a test suite for asdmsummary: CAS-9883CAS-9883
Akeem WellsAkeem Wells
27954885f2eAdd script extractor and casaguides (ALMA First Look) to test suites
Bob GarwoodBob Garwood
a2324477c43Add a test suite for asdmsummary: CAS-9883This is a trivial test suite for the asdmsummary task, which summarizes an ASDM to the logger. The tests are done on several ASDM. The tests also check that the expected number of new rows were written to the logger. No checks are done on the content of the logged lines.CAS-9883
David MehringerDavid Mehringer
67a98ff6de5Updated tests for minsamp5.1.0-2-feature-CAS-10002-1
David MehringerDavid Mehringer
e415b33265aadd support for user to specify min number of points
David MehringerDavid Mehringer
d44514839ceadded support for min number of points to StatWtTVI
Ville SuorantaVille Suoranta
55b04545c29MMerge pull request #52 in CASA/casa from version-bumb to release/5.0.0* commit '0ea27ec126bf0e04c208ebb5420a76dce1a07c70': Fixed formatting5.0.0-rel-201
Ville SuorantaVille Suoranta
0ea27ec126bFixed formatting
David MehringerDavid Mehringer
4c3f2e991adStatWtTVI bug fixes
Remy IndebetouwRemy Indebetouw
2784b210b26removed documentation referring to obsolete method
Ville SuorantaVille Suoranta
7f5fd5846c3MMerge pull request #51 in CASA/casa from fix-revision-resolution to master* commit '02642ee63afe6781ce7e074625086451cade98c7': Utilize branch hint for the release Include lightweight tags in resolution Removed git describe5.1.0-mas-2
Ville SuorantaVille Suoranta
0e5d2982afeMMerge pull request #50 in CASA/casa from fix-revision-resolution to release/5.0.0* commit '02642ee63afe6781ce7e074625086451cade98c7': Utilize branch hint for the release5.0.0-rel-200
Ville SuorantaVille Suoranta
02642ee63afUtilize branch hint for the release
Ville SuorantaVille Suoranta
daa367a2edfMMerge pull request #49 in CASA/casa from fix-revision-resolution to release/5.0.0* commit '18c01668a93764b224b21865d503c5b0ce71b44e': Include lightweight tags in resolution5.0.0-rel-199
Ville SuorantaVille Suoranta
18c01668a93Include lightweight tags in resolution
Ville SuorantaVille Suoranta
2dfa6468aadMMerge pull request #48 in CASA/casa from fix-revision-resolution to release/5.0.0* commit 'da23f0d413852d90b5cf1b037ee954fd1de73b9e': Removed git describe5.0.0-rel-198
Ville SuorantaVille Suoranta
da23f0d4138Removed git describe
Ville SuorantaVille Suoranta
acd48d54a64MMerge pull request #47 in CASA/casa from update-version to master* commit 'c271d8ebac96fb0d474f2802a4c4dbed55491d79': Updated version to
Ville SuorantaVille Suoranta
c271d8ebac9Updated version to 5.1.0
George MoellenbrockGeorge Moellenbrock
f6d757ef320 In VisBufferImpl2::setVisCubeModel(stokesIn), avoid inadvertently changing the values in correlationTypes() when arranging the 'corrmap' index. Application code that depended on correlationTypes was failing.CAS-101182 tagsCAS-10118
Ville SuorantaVille Suoranta
3c4de49863bDisabling tStatWtTVI for now.
Urvashi Rao VenkataUrvashi Rao Venkata
Remy IndebetouwRemy Indebetouw
3c698609913CAS-10037module: simulation fix: was a flat out bug in simalma. ready to test, please include in 5.0 if it passesCAS-10037
Kumar GolapKumar Golap
a9d59a26253Fixed an issue in multiple MS with different spw structures...CAS-8588CAS-8588
Urvashi Rao VenkataUrvashi Rao Venkata
Ville SuorantaVille Suoranta
47385152760MMerge pull request #46 in CASA/casa from bugfix/CAS-10112 to master* commit 'd4335fe0f079a130a5498ed0360cf71b09a102cf': CAS-10112 Fix buildmytasks path handling5.0.0-mas-195CAS-10112
Ville SuorantaVille Suoranta
3671046413fFixing copy options for OSX
Ville SuorantaVille Suoranta
d4335fe0f07CAS-10112 Fix buildmytasks path handlingCAS-10112
David MehringerDavid Mehringer
a68894a61a5 New Development: Yes/No JIRA Issue: CAS-10001 Ready for Test: Yes/No Interface Changes: Yes/No What Interface Changed: Please list interface changes Test Programs: List test programs Put in Release Notes: Yes/No Module(s): Module Names change impacts. Description: implement frequency binning support CAS-10001
David MehringerDavid Mehringer
d100548ceb1 New Development: Yes/No JIRA Issue: CAS-10001 Ready for Test: Yes/No Interface Changes: Yes/No What Interface Changed: Please list interface changes Test Programs: List test programs Put in Release Notes: Yes/No Module(s): Module Names change impacts. Description: implement channel binning CAS-10001

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