AuthorCommitMessageCommit date
David B. EvansDavid B. Evans
2fa576cc206gitg: rebuild to remove references to libgit2.26
David B. EvansDavid B. Evans
4156f23bde9libgit2-glib: patch to build with libgit2 0.27, rebuildPatch based on upstream merge request #2.
David B. EvansDavid B. Evans
9fe0b8fcd14libgit2: update to version 0.27.3, homepage
Mihai MoldovanMihai Moldovan
36561f6e1c8audio/pulseaudio: update to v12.1, remove obsolete patchfiles.Fixes:
Ryan SchmidtRyan Schmidt
f950fa23a48netpbm: Update to 10.83.01
Ryan SchmidtRyan Schmidt
1b273cd02ddphp-redis: Update to 4.1.0
Scott CantorScott Cantor
2ef05daf9bdUpdate shibboleth and dependencies to 3.0.0.
Miguel HerranzPerry E. MetzgerMiguel Herranz
852d1952d1epy-pycares: new port, version 2.3.0
reneeottenPerry E. Metzgerreneeotten
95474d61a77py-funcsigs: add py37 subport- use https for homepage - add size to checksums
reneeottenPerry E. Metzgerreneeotten
aa105d1891epy-mock: add py37 subport, add size to checksums
Ryan SchmidtRyan Schmidt
84e6398aab3cuneiform: Fix ordered comparison between pointer and zeroCloses:
Ryan SchmidtRyan Schmidt
46de6147f87mongo-tools: Add pkgconfig build dependency
Leo SingerLeo Singer
9993edb2d0apy-tornado: add Python 3.7 subport
Leo SingerLeo Singer
83c4be81467py-shapely: add Python 3.7 subport
Leo SingerLeo Singer
db2042e3d58py-pytest-runner: add Python 3.7 subport
Leo SingerLeo Singer
2729033b1d2py-pyobjc-cocoa: add Python 3.7 subport
Leo SingerLeo Singer
3fb8f7966d5py-pyobjc: add Python 3.7 subport
Leo SingerLeo Singer
5d5fc0e942dpy-py2app: add Python 3.7 subport
Leo SingerLeo Singer
0af245e0ee1py-modulegraph: add Python 3.7 subport
Leo SingerLeo Singer
dac15a36e7apy-matplotlib: add Python 3.7 subport
Leo SingerLeo Singer
994d7c9fbf8py-macholib: add Python 3.7 subport
Leo SingerLeo Singer
85dc30698ecpy-kiwisolver: add Python 3.7 subport
Leo SingerLeo Singer
aaf091d3524py-healpy: add Python 3.7 subport
Leo SingerLeo Singer
d86d8a4c1dcpy-dateutil: add Python 3.7 subport
Leo SingerLeo Singer
4ef1d538d6dpy-cycler: add Python 3.7 subport
reneeottenChih-Hsuan Yenreneeotten
be83b67a0fapy-virtualenv: update to 16.0.0- remove obsolete py26/py33 subports - add size, remove md5 from checksums - update homepage - enable tests (not working yet for py37, because of missing dependencies; actual tests pass) Closes:
Christopher ChavezPerry E. MetzgerChristopher Chavez
c0f180df1b5p5-tcl-tk: new port, version 1.12
Leo SingerLeo Singer
8ca5787f5b3py-altgraph: add Python 3.7 subport
Miguel HerranzChih-Hsuan YenMiguel Herranz
6fe6c6a9627py-plyvel: add Python 3.7 support
Miguel HerranzChih-Hsuan YenMiguel Herranz
c307d57cf04py-pylru: add Python 3.7 support
Ryan SchmidtRyan Schmidt
1041bf4a5d2mongodb: Update to 3.6.6
Ryan SchmidtRyan Schmidt
f97f9d43996mongo-tools: Update to 3.6.6
David B. EvansDavid B. Evans
884dc656984p5-libwww-perl: update to version 6.35, dependencies
David B. EvansDavid B. Evans
de2c49bc984p5-net-dns: update to version 1.16
David B. EvansDavid B. Evans
53f131fdc2apy-requests-oauthlib: update to version 1.0.0
Christopher ChavezMojca MiklavecChristopher Chavez
fd4704bf446p5-tcl: update to 1.16, depends_testadd p5-devel-refcount to depends_test
David B. EvansDavid B. Evans
b1991cbe2b3gtksourceview4: update to version 4.0.2
David B. EvansDavid B. Evans
2101d5d4b53vala: update to version 0.40.8
reneeottenChih-Hsuan Yenreneeotten
72e8eec92c1py-pypdf2: add py37 subport
reneeottenChih-Hsuan Yenreneeotten
7cf95060ef6py-isort: add py37 subport
reneeottenChih-Hsuan Yenreneeotten
1755719d5edpy-asteval: add py37, enable test
Toby PetersonToby Peterson
78157a1c744py-aiohttp, py-async-timeout, py-cchardet, py-idna-ssl, py-multidict, py-yarl: Add py37 support for aiohttp and dependencies.
Mihai MoldovanMihai Moldovan
acb9274c190aqua/x2goclient: update to
David StrubbeDavid Strubbe
acbf2f63524octopus: Update to version 8.0.
Aaron Madlon-KayAaron Madlon-Kay
d7c9570794dgradle: update to 4.9Note about GRADLE_HOME removed because this envar is not needed (it is not actually used by gradle).
David B. EvansDavid B. Evans
02ee695784agimp2-jp2: update homepage, master_sites, livecheckThe old GIMP plugin registry at is no more and this plugin is no longer maintained elsewhere. * use snapshot of old homepage from * set master_sites to the macports distfile mirrors * disable livecheck
Leonardo Brondani SchenkelLeonardo Brondani Schenkel
597ed836425neomutt: update to 20180716- Changed some files to use the correct ${prefix}/libexec and not the incorrect ${prefix}/lib. - Patch more files (docs, samples, etc.) to use ${prefix}. - Use MacPorts Perl during build. It was already a runtime dependency, so for consistency use the same Perl when building.
Ryan SchmidtRyan Schmidt
6ce8037d015php-timezonedb: Update to 2018.5
reneeottenPerry E. Metzgerreneeotten
f0eab82bd34py-virtualenv-clone: update to 0.30; add py37 subportCloses:
reneeottenPerry E. Metzgerreneeotten
56f35e9d7cbpy-pbr: update to 4.1.0, add py37 subport

Everything looks good. We'll let you know here if there's anything you should know about.

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